I encountered an issue where I wanted to extract points located within a specific shapefile, in this case the Highveld ecoregion and Gauteng. Instead of extracting the points in R I assign them a 1/0 (TRUE/FALSE) value in a new column using point.in.polygon, following this I the filter function in R to create a new dataframe where Highveld == 1. In theory you could use the over function which is part of the rgdal package, but I found this cumbersome.

So here we have a nice example dataset that is geo-referenced, lets call it libsum.csv

Date     ;Event          ;Latitude  ;Longitude  ;Height(m)               
2014/2/3 ;Rain/flooding  ;-26.12    ;28.02      ;1749       		
2014/2/3 ;Rain/flooding  ;-26.14    ;26.15      ;1646       		
2014/2/3 ;Rain/flooding  ;-26.20    ;27.51      ;1574       		
2014/2/3 ;Rain/flooding  ;-26.00    ;28.12      ;16         		
2014/2/3 ;Rain/flooding  ;-25.56    ;28.08      ;1539       		
2014/2/3 ;Rain/flooding  ;-25.51    ;28.11      ;1432       		
2014/2/3 ;Rain/flooding  ;-26.08    ;27.59      ;1603       		
2014/2/3 ;Rain/flooding  ;-26.07    ;27.54      ;1747       		
2014/2/3 ;Rain/flooding  ;-26.06    ;28.05      ;1546       		
2014/2/3 ;Rain/flooding  ;-26.07    ;27.54      ;1727       		
2014/2/3 ;Rain/flooding  ;-23.02    ;29.54      ;950        		
2014/2/3 ;Rain/flooding  ;-22.52    ;30.28      ;741        		
2014/2/3 ;Rain/flooding  ;-26.41    ;25.27      ;1349       		
2014/2/3 ;Rain/flooding  ;-26.48    ;26.00      ;1504       		
2014/2/3 ;Rain/flooding  ;-26.57    ;24.43      ;1199       		
2014/2/3 ;Rain/flooding  ;-27.12    ;25.58      ;1356       		
2014/2/3 ;Rain/flooding  ;-26.39    ;25.46      ;1405       		
2010/2/3 ;Other          ;-26.00    ;27.55      ;1480       		
2014/2/3 ;Other          ;-25.26    ;27.55      ;1362       		

Now we can open R

# Load some usefull libraries
# sudo apt install libgeos\* 

# Lets load the df first
df <- read.csv("libsum.csv", sep=";", header=TRUE)

#To actually work with the shapefiles, omit the map_data function
# and invoke it later
basemap_1  <- readOGR(dsn="./", layer="ZAF_adm1")
ecoregions <- readOGR(dsn="./", layer="Ecoregions2017")

# To extract a layer to use in a plot, in this case Gauteng and the Highveld,
# do:
gauteng  <- map_data(basemap_1[basemap_1$NAME_1=="Gauteng", ])
highveld <- map_data(ecoregions[ecoregions$ECO_ID=="81", ])

# Here we extract data that falls within the Higheld ecoregion and Gauteng
# We create a new column in the df where a 1 or 0 will be assigned if it falls inside the
# lat and lon of the corresponding polygon
df$Highveld <- point.in.polygon(df$Longitude, df$Latitude, highveld$long, highveld$lat)
df$Highveld <- as.character(df$Highveld)

# And we do the same for Gauteng
df$Gauteng <- point.in.polygon(df$Longitude, df$Latitude, gauteng$long, gauteng$lat)
df$Gauteng <- as.character(df$Gauteng)

After running this the df should look something like this

Date     ;Event          ;Latitude  ;Longitude  ;Height(m) ;Highveld;Gauteng
2014/2/3 ;Rain/flooding  ;-26.12    ;28.02      ;1749      ;1     ;1
2014/2/3 ;Rain/flooding  ;-26.14    ;26.15      ;1646      ;1     ;0
2014/2/3 ;Rain/flooding  ;-26.20    ;27.51      ;1574      ;1     ;1
2014/2/3 ;Rain/flooding  ;-26.00    ;28.12      ;16        ;1     ;1
2014/2/3 ;Rain/flooding  ;-25.56    ;28.08      ;1539      ;0     ;1
2014/2/3 ;Rain/flooding  ;-25.51    ;28.11      ;1432      ;0     ;1
2014/2/3 ;Rain/flooding  ;-26.08    ;27.59      ;1603      ;1     ;1
2014/2/3 ;Rain/flooding  ;-26.07    ;27.54      ;1747      ;1     ;1
2014/2/3 ;Rain/flooding  ;-26.06    ;28.05      ;1546      ;1     ;1
2014/2/3 ;Rain/flooding  ;-26.07    ;27.54      ;1727      ;1     ;1
2014/2/3 ;Rain/flooding  ;-23.02    ;29.54      ;950       ;0     ;0
2014/2/3 ;Rain/flooding  ;-22.52    ;30.28      ;741       ;0     ;0
2014/2/3 ;Rain/flooding  ;-26.41    ;25.27      ;1349      ;0     ;0
2014/2/3 ;Rain/flooding  ;-26.48    ;26.00      ;1504      ;1     ;0
2014/2/3 ;Rain/flooding  ;-26.57    ;24.43      ;1199      ;0     ;0
2014/2/3 ;Rain/flooding  ;-27.12    ;25.58      ;1356      ;1     ;0
2014/2/3 ;Rain/flooding  ;-26.39    ;25.46      ;1405      ;1     ;0
2010/2/3 ;Other          ;-26.00    ;27.55      ;1480      ;0     ;1
2014/2/3 ;Other          ;-25.26    ;27.55      ;1362      ;0     ;0

Now we can create a new dataframe to work with that only contains the data that falls within the polygons of interest

df_hv <- df %>% filter(Highveld == 1)
df_gp <- df %>% filter(Gauteng == 1)