Everyday I figure out small things that make life a little easier and don’t fit in my useful one liners post , I tend to forget them the moment I’m done using it or implementing whatever I need it for. This could be anything from latex to git to bash to vim and in most cases these are just little conveniences. So I’ll attempt to note these useless things here.

Adding Metadata to LaTeX pdf

This whole post was inspired by right clicking on my thesis and seeing that my metadata is empty, the fix was pretty easy. Add this to your preamble:

    pdftitle={LaTeX is for cool kids},
    pdfsubject={Not Computer Science},
    pdfauthor={Henno Havenga},
    pdfkeywords={LaTeX, VIM, Debian, GNU, Linux}

Plotting a tif file with GMT

I needed to clip a NASA Blue Marble tif file. I wanted to use gdal_tanslate but a not so quick search yield gdalwarp as a simpler option. Also note that the default NASA projection is Plate Carrée (JQ in GMT), this is useful to know if you want to draw borders over the NASA data using GMT without thinking to much about conversions. To clip the data I used gdalwarp and then GMT’s psimage module to overlay the image on a map:

gdalwarp -te 15 59 38 71 blue_marble_infile.tif clipped_blue_marble_outfile.tif
gmt psbasemap -R15/38/59/71.5 -JQ20 -Xc -Yc -B5a0 -V -K > image_map.ps
gmt psimage clipped_blue_marble_outfile.tif -DjCM+w20/11.1 -R -J -O -K -V >> image_map.ps

Linking to most recent EUMETSAT products in markdown

In playing around with this site I thought about make a page dedicated weather stuff, it was pretty easy to link directly to EUMETSAT products with markdown by just copying the image link like this:

    <center> <td align="center" valign="center"> <img
    alt="description here" /> <br /> EUMETSAT SEVIRI
    spectral channel IR 10.8 (copyright 2018 EUMETSAT) </td> </tr> </center>
description here
EUMETSAT SEVIRI spectral channel IR 10.8 (copyright 2018 EUMETSAT).

Array in bash

To work with arrays in bash you must call the array variable “${array[@]}”

array=(12 18 24 30 36 42 48)

for count in "${array[@]}" 
    echo $i 

Making barcodes

Making barcodes in Linux is very easy, install barcode, run the command convert the ps file to pdf using ps2pdf

sudo apt install barcode
barcode -t 3x6 -i Oatmeal 128 -o output.ps
ps2pdf output.ps oatmealbarcode.pdf